Other stuff
we do... interesting facts

From time to time we have our own brilliant ideas at Abbeycomp! Some of them are great and available out there. Some not so...:0) See for yourself.
This is an amazing idea that came straight out Ky’s head one sunny autumn morning in 2011. With a brilliant and convincing powerpoint presentation we were able to get people around us very excited about the concept and potential.
After a bit of research and reaching for the last pennies on our piggy bank we were finally ready to develop and market our own App. The dream to become rich and famous together with all other successful developers in this journey was about to start!
We officially launched Traderclock at the end 2012 and we believed we’d be retiring on this idea within a couple of years. 10 years later this proved to be a financial disaster So we still come to work at Abbeycomp everyday with a joyful heart and we decided to ditch the money pit idea...
We’ve always done it for the fellowship :0)

Night Shots
Sometime during the Spring 2004, Douglas had an aha moment. He opened up our company meeting by sharing with us his amazing idea: a toilet seat that glows in the dark so men would never miss a shot again.
Douglas managed to get everyone in that room excited about it. The slogan would be something on these lines: “Our Night Shots seats will safely guide your way, for all late night bathroom visits.”
We spoke about it for nearly an hour until someone in the room had the brilliant idea to google it. To our disappointment the birth of our Night Shots design and concept was hammered by a Canadian company who had already something very similar in the market called Night Glow.
We still think our name was better though!
Night Glow official website: http://www.nightglowseats.com
Justin’s Revolutionary Ethernet Cable
Justin is an amazingly organised person and pictures like the above do keep him awake at night.
In response to this torment, sometime back in 2010, Justin woke up one morning with a brilliant idea: Let’s make ethernet cables with LEDs on each end so we can easily trace them. This will make the cable tidying and rearranging process a lot less stressful and a million times more effective especially in situations where downtime is not an option!
Wooow! We all loved it! We pursued the idea with research on the web and quickly found out there were a couple of companies in the market already offering similar concepts: www.patchsee.com and http://www.mertekjcs.com. After taking a close look at these products, however, we felt their design was far from attractive from both technical and financial point of view.
We put a lot of time into research and development and after a few months Justin’s idea evolved into further improvements and much better design concepts. By the end of 2010 we decided to approach a company to help us bring the idea to life but due to manufacturing costs we felt this was unfortunately not a project we are able to fund ourselves.
Are you ready to invest on us? :0)

Bic pen that turns into cutlery
Turn your favourite office tool from your desk in a common cutlery... this is din-ink.
A set of pen caps, including a fork-cap, a knife-cap and a spoon-cap, that replaces the normal pen cap during lunch time! All caps are made by annually renewable resources, like natural starch and fibres, to be 100% biodegradable and atoxic, warranting the best alimentary use.
Dispensing each set in a compostable packaging the whole set is designed to respect the environment. Now give your office ballpoint pen a good excuse to be gnawed by your teeth: use them for din-ink.
We are pretty sure this idea came out of one our new business brain storm sessions at Abbeycomp.
We just never thought anyone else would take it seriously!
No official website: https://www.designboom.com
Managed and produced by Joel Lima, our CEO at Abbeycomp, these boys write, record, help produce their own songs and deliver amazingly energetic performances on stage.
Talented and kindhearted musicians aged from 12 to 14 recently composed the perfect way to raise funds for a charity which helps local families in St Albans, Hertfordshire. The Magician’s Nephew Band delivers an authentic, polished and energetic sound.
If everything else fails we know we can always count on these boys. In an era in which mainstream-music machine sterilises millennial musical creativity, could the emergence of Magician’s Nephew spell the much needed return of the Rock Band?
They’re on it — keeping it real! Guitar (Josh), Bass (Euan), Drums (Noah) …but Bigger!
MNB official website: https://www.magiciansnephewband.com
Magician’s Nephew Band
The next big thing, but bigger!
We have loads more to share…
Just ask us next time we see you!
We can tell you first hand as our CEO was an employee at Tekserve in NY during the late 90's. If you read "Laserwriter II" by Tamara Shopsin, you guessed it right... The character Joel in the book is indeed the same Joel who moved to London and started Abbeycomp IT Solutions in 2002.
Long before the first shiny Apple Store arrived in Manhattan, there was Tekserve, the independent Macintosh computer repair shop open on West 23rd Street from 1987 to 2016. For those of you who were customers, it provided reliable service in a funky space decorated with vintage Macs, a hanging porch swing and an old-fashioned glass-bottle Coke machine. If your PowerBook 1400 ground to a halt or your printer became constipated with paper jams, Tekserve was there to help.
Along with her protagonist’s talking printer parts, Shopsin also weaves the real corporate histories of both Tekserve and Apple into the book. These side trips down geek memory lane will delight many an elder-nerd pining for the days when Apple was still a feisty little outlier punching up in a Windows PC world, and not the $2 trillion Big Tech Bigfoot it is today. Readers wanting a more linear narrative (or those never indoctrinated into the Cult of Mac) may get fidgety with the diversions, even as context for Claire’s story.
What the NY Times has to say about the book? Click here and see for yourself ...
Tamara Shopsin official website: https://tamarashopsin.com